We want to do a trip to Venice but we’re not about to deal with the BS. Give it time and things will hopefully calm down. Hopefully.
We're not very far apart on our understanding of the perverse political RESPONSE to the virus--------meaning the exploitation of the "crisis" by media and partisan rhetoric and policy. I'm not with you on interpretation of the actual data/facts though or those alternative treatments. Calling run-of-the-mill government neglect and incompetence MURDER and attributing malicious intent is pretty much where you lose me.I stand behind my statement that there is no excess deaths because of Covid above and beyond what one may expect to encounter with a bad cold or flu season. The excess deaths we’ve seen were allowed to happen on purpose. Medications that worked were shut down and instead policies and procedures were implement that almost guaranteed your death. If you’re put on a medication that has a 25% survival rate, or a ventilator that is prolly bout the same, did you really die of Covid? Or did you die because of politics.
So yeah, graphs and such don’t mean **** to me because they’ve all been manipulated in one way or another.
We're not very far apart on our understanding of the perverse political RESPONSE to the virus--------meaning the exploitation of the "crisis" by media and partisan rhetoric and policy. I'm not with you on interpretation of the actual data/facts though or those alternative treatments. Calling run-of-the-mill government neglect and incompetence MURDER and attributing malicious intent is pretty much where you lose me.
From the CDC website:
- Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. More than 610 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through August 31, 2022. During this time, VAERS received 16,257 preliminary reports of death (0.0027%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA clinicians review reports of death to VAERS including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records.
Continued monitoring has identified nine deaths causally associated with J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccination. CDC and FDA continue to review reports of death following COVID-19 vaccination and update information as it becomes available.
I was not inclined to take the vaccine. But on advice of an expert in the field and my responsibilities assisting with Elder Care I took the jab.
I was absolutely opposed to the vaccine mandates, even in health care, law enforcement, education and the military. So I'm sure we agree on that. I still dont wear a seat belt and resent the State of California laws that fine me for that choice. The science on that issue is very easy to understand. You don't need a Doctoral degree. I assume that risk when I drive. When we get to the hard science of the efficacy and safety of the various vaccines I have to bow out there from interpreting the vaccines and rely on trusting experts.
So happens I have an actual SCIENCE expert in my family. Trust is an important factor once you recognize you're way over your head on understanding the hard science.
You're not required to trust the interpretations/presentations of the data or the policy decisions coming through your government based on that advice. From what I know I dont believe the hard data, statistics and graphs coming from that sort of site is ever going to be particularly biased. You have to realize how many studies they do, how much data collection they use from other sources and understand virtually all of that is published on such websites. NOW here comes where the biased corporate/partisan interest comes in and CHERRY PICKS particular graphs/statistics and presents that through the WHORES in the media to mold public opinion.You mention trust and then you have something from the CDC website. What if I don’t trust the CDC, the WHO, the pharmaceutical industry, the media, our government… the list goes on. I like to think I’m smart enough to know a nut bag when I see one but after people were shut down and called nut bags for having a different opinion than the main stream narrative, or to even question the main stream narrative, then it comes out later on that they weren’t so far off base, well that tends to make people pay more attention to nut bags and people that otherwise wouldn’t get the time of day.
The oceans have been rising a foot every 100 years as long as they have kept records.Stop talking like that, you're making too much sense.
Too many people think 100 or 150 years is the appropriate gauge of determining what the current weather should be. It changes, it goes through phases, which may last decades or hundreds of years.
If we are going to warm a few degrees over the next 100 years, we're humans, we're not stupid, we can deal with it because we have plenty of warning time. If the oceans are going to rise one foot in the next 100 years then we have 100 years to plan.
People didn't have this kind of information a thousand years ago or 5,000 years ago.
Environmentally and politically, everything these days is about control.
...... I'm not going to be controlled.
I do trust scientists and such, it’s everybody else I question. Power, money, they’ll make you do funny things and I don’t think the handling of Covid is any different. Maybe instead of saving 5 people they’re padding their pockets with money.
All you have to do is to look at the past. Tobacco industry, sugar industry, pharmaceutical industry and the government. Two of those 4 are directly involved with this and look what we’ve got.
Isn't it strange when you send immigrants to sanction cities, they don't want them there?I’m all for it. While we’re buyin bus and plane tickets, how about we load up the homeless and send them somewhere where they are more welcome. Prolly the same cities anyway.
But they're under the impression it's ok to come and the border is open. That impression could easily be reversed.Those illegal immigrants crossing the border illegally are allowing themselves to be pawns. Stay on your side and do it the correct way, and they wouldn't be pawns. Seems simple enough to me.
I've listened to a lot of comments and one thing that's taken into consideration is a lot of those immigrants are very religious and conservative people and would be more likely to vote Republican. Now wouldn't that be funny.In California, illegals are now allowed to be police officers and now vote. They are destroying this country just to garner a few votes. Worst yet, who is to say that the Mexican Cartel is not going to try to infiltrate our police departments to give them an edge and close their eyes to illegal drug shipments.