Thought of the day .

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Just caught the back end of ‘ Hidden Brain’ episode on NPR radio. Topic was Cognitive Dissonance ( a tension or clash resulting from the combination of two disharmonious or unsuitable elements.

When this happens to us ( probably more than we acknowledge) Our brains do what they do and we can be totally unaware about the outcome about, strap in for the 🎢 ride …. Who’s really working the controls ? 🤔

If you get the chance pull it up on a podcast and take a listen, then discuss your take on the subject.
Looks like the Ford Explorer did the best

Did you ever intentionally shock yourself with a dog shock collar ? I did, 😱 that should straighten a crooked politician out real quick 😜.
Looks like the Ford Explorer did the best

Did you ever intentionally shock yourself with a dog shock collar ? I did, 😱 that should straighten a crooked politician out real quick 😜.
Nope. Been zapped by an electric fence, tingled by 120 and ignition coils aren't fun.
.....nope, no dog collar. I mean, how would that happen.... I've never been married. 😁
too sensitive.jpg
It’s getting light out later which means a later start to your day for those in the new construction side of things or maybe you work somewhere that has winter hours so now you all of a sudden have an extra hour to kill in the morning before the warehouse opens up.
What do you guys do with that newly gained time in the morning? Thinking into the future, how do you make up for losing that hour 6 months later.
It’s getting light out later which means a later start to your day for those in the new construction side of things or maybe you work somewhere that has winter hours so now you all of a sudden have an extra hour to kill in the morning before the warehouse opens up.
What do you guys do with that newly gained time in the morning? Thinking into the future, how do you make up for losing that hour 6 months later.
Can not relate------not even a little bit.

My schedule was 6AM to 2PM 80--90% of the time. If I took 1/2 hour for lunch then I was rewarded with staying to 2:30PM and yielding the worst traffic conditions ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Average commute 35 miles one way. 30 minutes in the AM 1-2 hours on the afternoon drive. So yeah, we blew right through lunch. You need a break----take it. The whole team doesn't need to sit on buckets whilst you take a dump, call your wife or slow chew your sandwich. I never liked to stop even was I was young. By the time I hit 50 I really couldn't take more than 10-20 minutes break or----like a starting pitcher in a rain delay-----I'm DONE for the day.

So the union guy has very structured and routine schedules. If the sun isn't up we're stuck dealing with temp lighting. It's F'n horrible and about DOUBLES how long it takes to do anything. You spend half the F'n day fighting over the spider box and who's tripping the breakers and who's otherwise obstructing your access to lights and power.

Bottom line---I'm there 5:45AM waiting for the site to open finishing my coffee. 1:45PM I'm wrapping up and aiming towards that Hershey Highway Home. I always had a PRIME DIRECTIVE------like Captain Kirk on the Starship Enterprise. Only my PRIME DIRECTIVE was for my keys to be turning the ignition switch in the truck no later than 2PM.

Not much mattered even close to that prime directive.
I was probably 9 before dad supervised me running the mower. Life's not fair! 😭😭😭

I couldn’t wait until I was old enough to mow our yard cus that meant I earned $5, that was bank to a young kid. I think I was maybe 7 or 8 the first time dad let me mow the yard by myself. We had an old Toro reel mower. I loved that thing, it just sounded cool like scissors.

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