Thought of the day .

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Here’s todays pre sunrise from my job site. I have no idea what that green dot is. This house has no garage to cut in and it was maybe 40 degrees outside when we showed up this morning so I did the unthinkable and set my saw up inside the house. Yes I did! We had some clean up when we were done cus I didn’t have my chop saw hood in the van but it wasn’t nothing that a broom and a Dewalt blower couldn’t handle.

Best part is there was 3 of us today so we finished up the house and I’ve got Friday off.


Edit: Oops, this was supposed to be on What Did You Do Today.
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Here’s todays pre sunrise from my job site. I have no idea what that green dot is. This house has no garage to cut in and it was maybe 40 degrees outside when we showed up this morning so I did the unthinkable and set my saw up inside the house. Yes I did! We had some clean up when we were done cus I didn’t have my chop saw hood in the van but it wasn’t nothing that a broom and a Dewalt blower couldn’t handle.

Best part is there was 3 of us today so we finished up the house and I’ve got Friday off.

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Edit: Oops, this was supposed to be on What Did You Do Today.
I say with you're setup, in da' house is fine at this point of the build.
Green dot? I wouldn't even take a guess.
Strange couple of days. I did a humongus new house measure two days ago. Spent yesterday finishing up my drawing and figured out the cut lengths, the seam locations and made up a cut sheet with the amount of material for the shop to order. The home is 13,000 to 14,000 SQ feet and there's just over 250sq yds of carpet. There's a LOT of LVP going in. Thank God everything else had already been measured.
Anyhow, I found out the home is being built for a dentist. He owns a dental facility nearby.
My second job measure, the one I did this afternoon, is for...... a dentist, (actually an oral surgeon)
Two measures in a row, both for dentists.... Weird timing.
I think my dogs are playing a game with each other. Whichever dog that floats a biscuit and you step in it, they get 100 points. These dogs have been going at it pretty competitively. They’re laying all around my van, my shed, the house. I deploy counter measures by picking up what I find but they’re laying faster than I can find and this game has evolved to the point that I don’t even think they’re keeping score anymore but they’re still both playing the game.

Had a couple close calls this weekend but I made it through in one piece. My wife got zapped by one this morning. Lol.

Anybody else’s dogs play these games?
I see Mr. 🪳y made it into the job site 😂

My job last Friday was a new build cottage on a lake. As I was working I kept seeing things scooting across the floor from the corner of my eye. Finally seen that they were cockroaches!! In a secluded woods area, new build construction.

Told the homeowner about it and she laughed & said it was their home first until they built there…… I would toss a match in the house and keep it moving!!
My job last Friday was a new build cottage on a lake. As I was working I kept seeing things scooting across the floor from the corner of my eye. Finally seen that they were cockroaches!! In a secluded woods area, new build construction.

Told the homeowner about it and she laughed & said it was their home first until they built there…… I would toss a match in the house and keep it moving!!
Went into an apt. once where they were dropping from the ceiling like rain. I left.
I think my dogs are playing a game with each other. Whichever dog that floats a biscuit and you step in it, they get 100 points. These dogs have been going at it pretty competitively. They’re laying all around my van, my shed, the house. I deploy counter measures by picking up what I find but they’re laying faster than I can find and this game has evolved to the point that I don’t even think they’re keeping score anymore but they’re still both playing the game.

Had a couple close calls this weekend but I made it through in one piece. My wife got zapped by one this morning. Lol.

Anybody else’s dogs play these games?
Never knew they had such a good sense of humor. 💩
Never knew they had such a good sense of humor. 💩
Pooph it ! “ I smell like 💩 and flowers 💐 now 😂 ( that commercial is hilarious 😂)

I see Mr. 🪳y made it into the job site 😂

No inside joke LO but this is funny 😆
Last Xmas I chose the gage gift of 🪳 clips, used for sealing snack bags. I hung them up on my Old football team photo. Guess which one is me ? 😆 Hint ! I’m on the top row


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I got blasted on my phone with them damn emergency alerts for the last time. Who else has turned off the amber alert, silver alert or any other kind of lert feature on their phone? What do you think of the whole idea anyway? Good idea initially but does anybody really care these days if it’s not directly affecting them. I know I don’t.

What do you think?
I got blasted on my phone with them damn emergency alerts for the last time. Who else has turned off the amber alert, silver alert or any other kind of lert feature on their phone? What do you think of the whole idea anyway? Good idea initially but does anybody really care these days if it’s not directly affecting them. I know I don’t.

What do you think?
So I'm in Covina, CA-----pretty close to dead center of the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan area. There's 18.5 million people spread out much further apart than Tokyo, NY, Chicago or whatever but regardless THERES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I CAN DO TO HELP AMBER if the bad guys have her on the freeway going 75 MPH near Pasadena (15 miles away) driving a older model, grey Mitsubishi.

So this program might work in more remote locations............I'm thinking relatively speaking---the Middle Of Nowhere-----if there's even an off chance you could be crossing the bad guys path and be able to notify authorities or perhaps even intervene in a child abduction. It's just too remote a possibility that such a mass text message alerts in this sort of population could affect the outcome.

I think everyone essentially cares and wished they could help. This is just another example of empty, pointless efforts. Like you said, its not a horrible idea it's just been twisted out of proportion by the mindless automotons of the bureacracy. I'm sure it makes THOSE people feel like they're doing something.
I think everyone essentially cares and wished they could help. This is just another example of empty, pointless efforts.

The Amber alert 🔔 in theory, like you
said , is probably more wishful than practical, however ! ! could there be an overlooked advantage having it in place anyway ? …..Could the advertisement and the use of the system be a deterrent for those wood be degenerates ? I hope so, what do ya think ?

What about the new "Afro-Alert" I mean, that is as demeaning as it comes.

On the contrary ! It actually shows reverence to a group that needs all the reverence they can get and deserve, especially after all the harm we placed on their ancestors. That cultural mistake has left a huge mark , a gaping wound if you will and that wound needs tending too. What would you suggest be done to help out ?

As much as we don’t want to face it anymore, the past cultural mistakes can be passed on by both parties and become expressed today.

We are all family and if the intentions are good ones, then the labeling of
“ Afro-Alert “ need not cause
distress, but rather some healing.
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