Thought of the day .

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So what is next...."Cracker Alert?"

Now you are starting to sound like Nancy Pelosi!

I have many Black friends who also feel this is as demeaning as it comes. An alert is to let you know that someone is missing. I don't care if they are white, black, blue, pink, yellow or chartreuse. Someone is missing, be on the lookout for them. This heals nobody, and only causes more division between races.

You don't see the "US vs. THEM" with what they are doing?
I have many Black friends who also feel this is as demeaning as it comes.

I believe they are misinterpreting as are many others, but that’s ok, no one way of thought is going to fit or be perfect over another.

My interpretation is unique to me and my experiences.

You don't see the "US vs. THEM" with what they are doing?

No not at all, because Us vs. Them is an attitude 🤔 not the reality. Remove the word ‘ Versus’ and open your hearts, Like they do and say in Jamaica “ We are all Family “ …….living is not a competition and When we choose to look at life this way, reactivity turns off and compassion turns on. Now ! It becomes common place to think of other people’s needs over your own and not feel threatened.

Separate from the phycological assessment above and On a practical / Realistic basis , when an Amber Alert is given, we can look for a white child. If it’s an Afro-Alert we can look for a child of color.
Then if we are just one big family, then why are they trying to differentiate blacks, white, curly hair, long hair, short, fat, etc. You are not one big family when you try this stupidity.

To deny our secondary differences is to deny our uniqueness in success or struggle. SO ! They can try anything they want to, just as long as I or we accept the secondary different family members as Primary family members by giving understanding around what ever plight they are going through each and every day, week, year, or even the past. When that attitude is attained, then I or we can now direct or debate them in an appropriate, respectful way, because the newly attained attitude now sees them as us and us as them, anything else will lead us down the same old same old road Of competition, us vs them.

The question asked…. “ why are they trying to differentiate “ needs to be answered and not judged.
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I believe they are misinterpreting as are many others, but that’s ok, no one way of thought is going to fit or be perfect over another.

My interpretation is unique to me and my experiences.

No not at all, because Us vs. Them is an attitude 🤔 not the reality. Remove the word ‘ Versus’ and open your hearts, Like they do and say in Jamaica “ We are all Family “ …….living is not a competition and When we choose to look at life this way, reactivity turns off and compassion turns on. Now ! It becomes common place to think of other people’s needs over your own and not feel threatened.

Separate from the phycological assessment above and On a practical / Realistic basis , when an Amber Alert is given, we can look for a white child. If it’s an Afro-Alert we can look for a child of color.
I worked with a black guy from Jamaica. He wanted everyone to know that he was not an American black. He ran with us white guys.
I worked with a black guy from Jamaica. He wanted everyone to know that he was not an American black. He ran with us white guys.
See ! secondary difference is important to recognize in ourselves and others, but not to be confused with the Primary mission , to accept the Responsibility to Love the different neighbors as Ourselves.

The situation ( IMHO ) humanity is facing is a misguided understanding on how to Love Ourselves in a way that allows love to be passed to others, even while we direct or debate them.
So, just for debate..

We should embrace our secondary characteristics?
Hmm, maybe we should have white drinking fountains, and black drinking fountains?
See where I'm going?
We are all one being. We should embrace each other whether you are white, I am black, I have a big nose, you have a beer belly... we are all one, in it together.
I am 60% Irish. How would you feel if I demanded a green clover alert?
Why not?
So, just for debate..

We should embrace our secondary characteristics?
Hmm, maybe we should have white drinking fountains, and black drinking fountains?
See where I'm going?
We are all one being. We should embrace each other whether you are white, I am black, I have a big nose, you have a beer belly... we are all one, in it together.
I am 60% Irish. How would you feel if I demanded a green clover alert?
Why not?
You mean COULD have white or black fountains 😜 ….. and we COULD embrace each other. We are both saying the same thing but coming at it differently.

Primary characteristic thinking gives us one water fountain and one Child alert system and secondary characteristic thinking gives us whatever it is that the secondary , different group feels they need. If the intentions are good, then let it be ! No need to control it because of a different perspective. If the green clover alert has enough backing and good intentions to be on the lookout for a hard headed red head child 😉 then I have nothing but good feelings and have no desire to control that. Family allows other family members the space to express themselves the way they feel is necessary.

My sister in law imposes upon me on an almost daily basis with frivolous bull 💩 and if I take offense through constant judging, because I would never treat someone that way, then it would be hell on earth. What I try to do is look at it from her point of view, YES ! It is speculation but I’m giving her understanding and that action / attitude allows me to take no offense to what most people would become reactive too. It’s not my job to judge her, its not my job to make her be or think a curtain way, even though I fall short at times, I must remain vigilant to make sure I’m doing my job to not judge, least be judged ( something like that)

Here comes an M.Sli. Quote: If no offense is taken, then did the offense ever happen ? 🤔
So now someone wants to give them their own missing person alert... isn't that also a form of segregation?

Yes, the new and improved version with good intentions…..History points out mistakes that need improving and then that word can have a new life. Short or long lived, we don’t know because life is a mystery of millions of circumstances, a pendulum swinging side to side. Finding the sweet spot requires trial and error and This dynamic is being played out individually , culturally, religiously and on and on and on, down the line of differences. Without flexibility and forgiveness along the way, with everything we do and say, the pendulum can break and we have to start all over again. That’s why history repeats itself and always will, in the grand search for improvement.

“ I’m gettin kinda tired now , think I’ll go home now “ ( Forest Forest Gump )
Segregation on face value is a choice, a style of living that can be beneficial. The problem is when it becomes enforced or manipulated upon one group over another, but If it occurs through choice or organically under ‘ freedom of choice, ‘ then why do we need to be concerned, or offended. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I’m gluten free and so is my brothers family. So on Thanksgiving I typically choose the gluten free invitation, segregating myself from the gluten eating family and yes they sometimes give me a dirty look or comment, but that’s not my problem, it’s the problem of the offended others.
On Thanksgiving, I normally cook. With all the vegetarians, vegans, shift workers and gluten allergies who are invited here, I've thrown in the towel. We're going up north into the wine country and get drunk with other normal people.
I call it "Self Segregation!"
On Thanksgiving, I normally cook. With all the vegetarians, vegans, shift workers and gluten allergies who are invited here, I've thrown in the towel. We're going up north into the wine country and get drunk with other normal people.
I call it "Self Segregation!"

Sometimes it’s just easier that way.

We have to do holiday meals at times with family and depending on which family there will need to be drinks either before or after. Her family I need to drink before and my family she needs to drink after. Lol.

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