In Remembrance
Missouri has a "stand your ground law", they are lucky not to get shot. Here, you can protect your family, your property, your neighbor and your neighbor's property with deadly force.
I have the same law .
Missouri has a "stand your ground law", they are lucky not to get shot. Here, you can protect your family, your property, your neighbor and your neighbor's property with deadly force.
Thanks Nick.
I found a 4" x 12" x 12' long beam today, that had dryrot half way through it. I called the termite inspector who signed off on the termite repairs, and asked him how this passed inspection. He then said the old owner was suppose to fix it all, and assumed they had done the job completely, and tried to have me go after the old owner. I told him he signed off on the inspection, therefore it is now his responsibility to fix. He reluctantly said he would be over to discuss this issue with me tomorrow. Might be time to file suit on this idiot.
I got my shutters installed yesterday at the new house.
It was over 80 at 7:00 am.