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It would be two weeks to get a tech.

But if your a flooring guy you are meant to be sitting in a wardrobe just waiting for that phone call to do the instalation right now
How come things don't work when we actually want something done in our house?
Been waiting for a week after paying deposit for a guy to sort out our pot belly stove. No phone call No nothing
Went out and charged the A/C on my wife's minivan. Cost me $5 for Freon. Shop charges $57. They want $600 to fix the leak and I can charge it once a month.
Been doing classrooms of C&A peel n stick carpet-----furniture, demo existing unitary backed Bigelow carpet in the Broadlock (green) glue and it's down like a MoFo. Move furniture, demo VCT at entries and sinks where we put walk off mats. Cove base and replace all the furniture every day. I've been there since Memorial Day. It breaks down to a journeyman and a decent helper can get one room a day. Two journeyman finish in 6-7 hours average. The glue is so stick when we demo our shoes are sticking to the floor and it's a bitch to sweep all the dirt and stands of carpet that unravel when we're tearing out.

I got pulled off to go to VCT in a multi-purpose room----2500 square feet with a funky random pattern. Easy money for me and 15 minutes from home on a Friday. I left three guys on the other job. They won't quite finish this week but it'll be a light day on Monday for a guy and a helper picking up all the loose ends. It was nearly 4K square yards. Beat the **** out of me.
I read La Puente is rated as one of the top 50 safest cities. I wonder how many they had to bribe and mame to get that coveted award, cuz it sure as hell ain't safe.

When I work in schools, hospitals and other government buildings I leave my tools overnight with no second thoughts whatsoever even in the worst neighborhoods. I figure they're safer there than in my truck/van in the driveway at my house.
BEST slab conditions of the half dozen MPR (multi-purpose room) I've come across in this school district. Every other one had severe alkalinity, obviously caused by moisture problems AND horribly rough concrete to boot.

We threw a quick sand, sweep, skim and sand again over 2500 square feet and it's ready for VCT Monday AM. In fact I snapped the lines, opened the cartons of tile, notched up the trowels and dry-laid the walk off mats.

We should finish installation Monday including cove base, reducers and walk off mats. Today I had a dummy-----ZERO period apprentice. Monday I'm getting a journeyman who has done this same tile pattern with me on two other MPR rooms in the same district. It's an AWFUL cI Iolor/pattern choice but I can't control that.



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